Secrets of the Job Hunt


Friday, April 24, 2009

Is your social network making you look good?

People are consumed with social networking, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter. Do these sites make you look good to others? How do you know that your profile isn't being viewed for a background check?

As a graduating senior, I wonder, whether or not my Facebook page would earn me a job. So many of my friends, who are in my same position, out there looking for jobs, have made a change to their pages.

There are no more drunk photos are their default picture, no personal photos for the public to view, and no inappropriate postings. Everything that an employer doesn't want to see or know about a perspective employee is at their disposal.

According to EmployeeScreen, "An employer can terminate an employee or refuse to hire an applicant based on information found online as long as that information is not used in a discriminatory manner. This means job seekers should be careful about what they put on their social networking profiles when preparing for a background check".

It's interesting to think that one's personal web page could be used against them, when looking for a job.

Step one:
Cleaning up our social networking page!

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