Secrets of the Job Hunt


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

How will you find a job?

In Weddles recent newsletter he publishes results of a survey about job search methods. I thought you'd find it interesting.

"A total of 1,270 people participated in our survey. Here's how they think they'll be successful in future job search campaigns:

- 57.6% Responding to an ad posted on an Internet job board
- 16.8% Networking at business and social events
- 7.2% Responding to an ad posted on an employer?s Web-site
- 7.6% Sending a resume to an employer by mail
- 3.9% Receiving a call from a headhunter
- 1.9% Receiving a call from a staffing firm
- 1.9% Attending a career fair
- 1.6% Responding to a newspaper ad
- 0.7% Joining a social networking site

What the Findings Mean
As with consumer intentions, job seeker intentions can provide us with important insights on how best to design the features and dynamics of our sales and marketing campaign (or what you and I call our sourcing and recruiting process). In other words, now that we know where and how individuals will be looking for a new or better job, we can align our activities with theirs and, as a consequence, optimize our yield."

>>> Job hunting in Connecticut.

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