Secrets of the Job Hunt


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Diversity in the Workplace

Workplace diversity. Everyone is talking about it. You watch videos about the subject, take seminars and have meetings about the topic. The most common use of the term of diversity: refers to human qualities that are different from your own and those of groups to which an individual belongs; but that are manifested in other individuals and groups. Dimensions of diversity in the workplace include but are not limited to: age, ethnicity, gender, physical abilities / qualities, race, sexual orientation, educational background, geographic location, income, marital status, military experience, parental status, religious beliefs, work experience, and job classification."

What this definition is explaining ,is that the company does not discriminate against potential or current employees based upon their particular faction in life. This concept was implemented in the 1980's and has a some major effect on the workforce as a whole. The statistics compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics are interesting to say the least. It is estimated in the United States, that by the year 2010, the Hispanic labor force is projected to be larger than the African-American labor force 13.3 percent verses 12.7 percent.

Asians will continue to be the fastest growing group in the labor force projected to increase by nearly 45 percent this decade. Women currently comprise nearly half of the labor force. The majority of workers entering the workforce this decade will be women, minorities and foreign nationals. Also included in some workplaces definitions of is a term called diversity of thought - which they say can be obtained by hiring individuals with different degrees, college affiliations, education or social economic backgrounds from their current employees. This is a fantastic notion giving an individual with a non - Ivy League education the same standing as someone who has graduated from an Ivy League institution.

The obvious upside of these rules are that people are looked upon as equals in the areas of promotions, raises, insurances and also in the realm of disciplinary action. The downside of over diversifying is hiring someone who is unqualified for the position, just because a particular quota or standard has to be met. This can cause a company to lose qualified employees, from having to compensate for the lack of knowledge of an unqualified employee via recruiting, and can even in the long term cause the company to lose revenue as well.

When introducing diversity in the workplace practices to the work environment, a common practice is to have employees and management attend seminars or view videos on the matter. Attending these seminars and watching these videos teaches employees and management the companies policies and procedures on workplace diversity. Upholding ethical diversity in the workplace practices are necessary for any company to succeeded and grow. However, a company must weigh whether or not an individual is an asset or a hindrance to the stability and growth of the institution regardless of race, religion, creed, sex or status.

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