How did you get a job? Weddles releases results of a getting hired survey.
Top ten sources of hire:
31.2% Answered an ad on a job board
10.6% Sent their resume to the company
9.3% Answered an ad in the newspaper
8.5% Responded to a tip from a friend
6.8% Were referred by an employee of the company
6.6% Received a call from a headhunter
5.1% Answered an ad posted on the company?s Web-site
4.9% Attended a career fair
4.8% Used networking at a business event
2.7% Received a call from a staffing firm
2.7% Responded to a tip from a family member
Search jobs online at Job Central.
These numbers are interesting, but they suffer from some pretty severe cases of selective bias.
The message of using several channels to get a job, but using these numbers to show that newspapers aren't headed south in terms of job ads is a bit of a stretch by Weddle.
More complete analysis at my site.
I agreee with your take Jim, nice work.
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